Fee Structures

Fee Structure

The fee structure for the current academic year can be obtained from the reception at Charans PU College. Various scholarships and instalment schemes are also available for academically deserving and students from a financially weak background based on the verification of necessary documents. 

The State Scholarship Portal(SSP) scheme, Govt of Karnataka for SC/ST/OBC is available at Charans for students to enrol. The college is also associated with Rotary Club Indiranagar for providing 100% scholarships for merit students who have secured above 80% in their SSLC exams. Other scholarship schemes such as Canara Bank Sports Scholarship Scheme(CBSS) and IBM scholarship scheme are available for students who excel in sports and extra-curricular activities at the state or national level.

However, please note that scholarships are limited and are on first come basis only. 

Kindly contact 080-25574656 for more details.

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